
Don’t Chase the Add-Ons

North Texas produced a bumper crop of wildflowers this spring. As I traveled from DFW to Wichita Falls, to Waco, and to Austin, my eyes feasted on bluebonnets, Indian paintbrush, Mexican hats, buttercups, and blanket flowers. Blues and yellows, reds and oranges, and pinks and purples splashed the spring green of new grass. Jesus pointed…
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Christian Karma: Part 1

Karma. The law of cause and effect. Hinduism and Buddhism claim it determines your destiny. In essence, you determine your destiny. Good choices lead to good things. Bad choices lead to . . . well, good luck with that. Sadly, the church has bought into karma. Does the Bible speak of consequences? Of course, it does…
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Muzzled: Dealing With a Negative Focus

One of my children has the gift of sarcasm. It’s all in fun, of course. Not. I have the same skill set, though I keep my comments to myself.  Entertaining such thoughts is damaging. A negative focus comes all too easily and before I know it, I’m stewing. Agitated. My hackles go up and I’m…
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Missing Pieces

“And blessed is he who keeps from stumbling over Me.” Matthew 11:6 NASB Isolated. In prison. For doing the right thing. The hope of the coming Messiah had blazed like a torch as John the Baptist called Israel to repentance. One is coming whose sandals I’m not worthy to untie. I baptize with water. He…
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Don’t Feed the Wolves: Letting the Enemy Go Hungry

Today’s post, Part 2, continues our discussion from last week of a recent class assignment: Visit a museum, choose a piece of art, and write on it. Carl Rungius titled this painting Caribou’s Death Struggle. Last week, we focused on the battle between brothers. The two caribou battle to the death, but inadvertently lock horns. The…
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A Dragon in the Mix

Have you included the dragon in your calculations? He’s near, you know, roaming, searching. (1 Peter 5:8) Train this dragon? Forget it. He’s not interested in serving. He’s out to get you—in any way he can. Compromise. Rationalize. Desensitize. He’ll steal your blessings, kill your desire for God, and destroy your family. (John 10:10) Clever.…
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Dynasty, Doubt, and Destruction

“Your house and your kingdom will endure forever before me; your throne will be established forever.” 2 Samuel 7:16 NIV God made this promise to David. But did you know God made a very similar promise to Jeroboam? David’s son, Solomon, followed other gods as his wives turned his heart from Yahweh (1 Kings 11:27-39). Jeroboam served…
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Sand: When Faith Gets Shifty

Abraham. A man of rock solid faith, right? Sometimes. Sometimes, he found himself in the sifty, shifty sand. As we dig our toes into the beach sand this summer, let’s look at the sandy spots that shifted Abraham’s world and avoid them in ours: The Sand of Helplessness: In two incidents (Gen. 12:10-20; Gen. 20:1-18), Abraham…
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Deployment: Sent For A Purpose

Deploy: To be sent out for a specific purpose Our armed forces consist of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. Their duties range from special ops to military bands. Likewise, God equips His forces and, as Commander-in-Chief, deploys them appropriately. To what duty has He deployed you? Are you aware of the…
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Staying Out of the Rough Starts on the Tee

A slight change in trajectory brings a major change down range. I’ve spent some time in Romans 1 lately and the last half of the chapter is sobering. You might know that section as the homosexuality passage, but that’s not its true focus. Romans 1:18-32 tracks what happens when a shift from true center occurs.…
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