Spiritual Warfare: How to Guard Your Castle
One of my favorite stories is “The Knights of the Silver Shield” by Raymond M. Alden. In the story, a group of valiant knights lived in the forest where they fought the evil giants of the land. They bore silver shields that shone brightly when a knight was virtuous but became cloudy when he was…
Read More Truth vs. Lies: Can Your Kids Tell the Difference?
Discernment. Do you have it? How about your kids? Culture presents the idea that truth is relative: You have yours. I have mine. Compromise is okay if you have a good reason. How do we help our kids navigate these minefields of truth and lies? We train them in discernment. When Harry Potter came out, I chose…
Read More Conflict Resolution: 5 Tips for Your Team
Ever feel like a referee? If you have children, then you’re no stranger to conflict resolution. How do we know what behavior to address and what to ignore? When do we throw the yellow flag and how do we best discipline for the infraction? How do we teach conflict resolution—to preschoolers? As any NFL referee…
Read More The Set Up
“Ahhh!” The fruit hit the ground with a juicy thud as Eve scrambled to cover up. Adam stared at her and then at himself. “We’re naked!” “Hurry! Get the biggest leaves you can find.” Eve huddled behind the nearest myrrh bush as Adam darted through the trees of Eden. She winced as she backed into…
Read More A Tale of Two Choices
The leather thongs bit into his wrist. Lot stole a quick look from his one good eye, the other swollen shut from a soldier’s fist. His girls huddled near their mother, tears streaking their dust-covered faces. Warriors strutted by, stroking his daughters’ hair. They smirked at him, laughing as his lips bled from the anger…
Read More Red and Yellow, Black and White, They are Precious in His Sight
“with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.” Revelation 5:9-10 NIV I’m a fan of the Enneagram—an ancient personality profile with nine distinct types. While the Enneagram has helped me understand…
Read More Relationships, Reconciliation, and “Raca”
I read an interesting note regarding Cain and Abel: the likelihood that they were twins (only one conception recorded followed by two births). Hmmm. If true, Cain’s murder of his brother takes on even greater significance. What went wrong? Simply, one man obeyed God. One didn’t. The broken relationship with God affected the relationship between…
Read More Lesser Gods
Recently, a friend invited me to her home to dedicate some space to her new faith—the Warrior Goddess movement. Though the invitation was thoughtful, it made me sad, because my friend is chasing a lesser god. I won’t spend time on the belief system of the Warrior Goddess movement, but when the focus turns toward…
Read More Treason
Rahab didn’t start her day with a plan to commit treason. When two Israelite spies sauntered into Jericho, trying to look natural, but failing miserably, only then did she make her decision. So the king of Jericho sent this message to Rahab: “Bring out the men who came to you and entered your house, because they…
Read More The Off-Ramp
Off-ramps. We don’t take one unless we need to. At least, not intentionally. Traffic flows faster on the highway, and we have places to go and people to see. Unless God takes the wheel. God’s off-ramp to suffering takes many forms. Nit-picky annoyances that stack up like unpaid bills. Chronic illness. Interruptions that become long-term…
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