Red and Yellow, Black and White, They are Precious in His Sight
“with your blood you purchased for God
persons from every tribe and language and people and nation.
You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God,
and they will reign on the earth.” Revelation 5:9-10 NIV
I’m a fan of the Enneagram—an ancient personality profile with nine distinct types. While the Enneagram has helped me understand myself, it has also helped me understand others. When I need to approach one of my kids, I review their number so I can see the issue from their point of view.
How I wish I had a similar tool to help me understand my brothers and sisters of color. I adore you, my sisters, but I cannot comprehend the prejudice you’ve suffered. I wish I had a reference for your experience, but I don’t.
I love you.
I respect you. Your beauty. Your giftings. Our sisterhood in Christ.
I deplore how you have been treated. It’s unacceptable in any and every way prejudice and hatred has manifested, whether as an abuse of power or a demeaning comment.
I hurt with you.
How can I help?
I acknowledge my ignorance. I know my own story best. I learn yours when you honor me by sharing it. I’m okay with being uncomfortable. You don’t have to carry your pain alone.
I stand with you.
Father, help Your children to walk in unity.
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