God’s Discipline
God’s Love Language: The Blessing of Discipline
This summer I’m on a special four-month program to deal with some health issues. When I started, I asked God to do for me spiritually what I was trying to accomplish physically. Heal and detox. Several weeks in, the spiritual detox began. Thoughts, expectations, and judgments bubbled up like the crude oil on the Beverly…
Read More The Golden Boomerang
God’s golden boomerang. It zips and zings through Scripture. Sometimes I catch it and toss it back. Other times, it catches me, and I learn the hard way—again. The boomerang? It’s God’s principle of perfect justice. We see it in the Golden Rule, in reaping and sowing, and in God’s rewards and discipline. “Do not…
Read More Locusts: God’s Discipline
“I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten.” (Joel 2:25a NIV) Locusts. They come from nowhere and devour everything—eating plants and trees, stripping even the bark. What once was green and healthy now lies in ruins. Leafless stubble with no promise of fruit. I’ve often heard others pray for God to restore…
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