Gayle Veitenheimer

Inspirational stories and creative nonfiction that encourage children to walk out their Christian faith.

Cross Training

What “delights” you? Is it a good movie? A piece of your favorite candy? A surprise? King David tells us in Psalm 37:4: Delight yourself in the LORD and he will giveyou the desires of your heart. What? How do you “delight” yourself in someone? Think about a time when you were hanging out with…
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Gayle’s Gable

Our voyage draws to a close as we read the final chapters of C. S. Lewis’s Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Chapters 13-16 bring uncharted waters. Three lords are still missing. Will Caspian and crew find them? Will Reepicheep discover Aslan’s country? Here’s a heads up for next week. On Monday, we will begin Lois…
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Gayle’s Gable

So what did you think of the Dufflepads? Would you like to be a monopod? It sounds like fun – like combining your favorite shoe with a pogo stick. In chapter 10, Lucy searches the Magic Book for the spell to make the Dufflepads visible. Tempted by other spells, Lucy almost reads the one for…
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Cross Training

Do you get tired of Mom and Dad reminding you to do your homework, take out the trash, and clean your room? King Solomon must have been tired of doing the reminding because this is what he taught his son: Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no…
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Zuno’s Pick

It may be Wednesday, but Tuesday by David Wiesner is Zuno’s Pick for the week. Wiesner is an author and illustrator with many awards to his credit with Tuesday earning the Caldecott Award in 1992. This is truly a picture book, so pay close attention and tell me what you would choose for the next…
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