How to Have Fun . . . with God

You have let me experience the joys of life and the exquisite pleasures of your own eternal presence. Psalm 16:11 TLB

I sat in my tent and read my Bible. Though it was early, the sun was up. Outside, guides banged pots and pans as they prepared breakfast on this, the last day of our Rogue River rafting trip in Oregon. We’d seen tons of wildlife. Osprey. Eagle. Deer. Loads of waterfowl.

But no bears. Yet. 

Silently I prayed, “Lord, could we please see a bear before we go?” Thirty minutes later, we saw, not one, but two, black bears across the river from our camp. They scrambled over boulders, climbed up trees, and shimmied down again, surprisingly agile for their bulk. I was thrilled. I think God enjoyed it too. It was a moment of shared fun and delight. 

God and fun pair well. Like PB and J, chips and guacamole, and chocolate and—well, anything. 

Way back in the book of Genesis, God walked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day. I’ll let you in on a secret. He wasn’t troubleshooting gardening challenges in Eden. God was hanging out with them. Talking. Laughing. Watching the sunset.

God has always been a together God. He is God with us. Emmanuel. Not up there. Not out there. Right here. Right now. All the time. Our every step treads holy ground because He is with us. 

Close. Present. 

The togetherness of Jesus surprised people in the New Testament too. While John the Baptist fasted, Jesus feasted. He attended weddings, dinner parties, and cookouts, so much so that he was labeled a drunkard and a glutton. A righteous party animal. People couldn’t get enough of this God-man. They hung on His every word, laughed at His sharp wit, and gasped at His stories. He was fun.

He still is, and He wants to have fun with you.

10 Ways God Has Fun

Feel free to add your own. My original list was much longer.

  • Planting mysteries for us to solve. (It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings. Proverbs 25:2)
  • Playing hide and seek, like hiding surprises in your day. (So Moses thought, “I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up.” Exodus 3:3)
  • Enjoying stories. (Jesus spoke all these things to the crowd in parables; he did not say anything to them without using a parable. Matthew 13:34)
  • Creating beauty. (Psalm 19:1-4)
  • Inspiring wonder. (Romans 1:20)
  • Employing humor. (Proverbs 17:22)
  • Introducing music and the arts. (Eph. 5:19)
  • Doing things with His hands or watching you do something with yours. (Genesis 2:7)
  • Giving presents. (James 1:17)
  • Crafting things. (Exodus 36:1-2)

If there’s something you love to do, God probably loved it first and created you with the same desire. You are made in His image, after all. 

Tips for Having Fun Together

1. Take normal, everyday activities, like errands, cooking, concerts, and do them with Him. How? Dialogue. Talk as you go.

2. During the day, instead of talking to yourself about your to-do list, talk to Him. 

3. When you do that thing that you love, cooking, crafting, building, mountain climbing, talk to Him while you do it. Collaborate. Ask His thoughts. His insights. His observations. 

4. Look for surprises that He’s hidden in your day. Thank Him when you find them.

5. When something captures your attention, talk with God about it.

Are you saving God for an emergency? Or are you savoring His fellowship every day?

Make fun with God a lifestyle change. Enjoy Him forever. 

Now, go have some fun. 


What brings you joy? Why?

When you think of having fun with God, what thoughts cross your mind? 

Do you know someone whose walk with God seems way more personal and relational than yours? Talk to them about it. 

Choose an activity you love and do it with God. Write down what you discover. 

Devour the Bible

Gayle creates one-page Bible studies for both preschoolers and elementary-aged kids that coordinate with that month’s blog. Click here for the download. Don’t miss the Everyday Wonder activity sheets on the Everyday Wonder page.

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