Is His Truth Yours?

What is truth?

Pilate’s question has become mine, though I’ve amended it.

What is my truth?

The amendment, however, is faulty. There is no my truth or your truth, though our culture grasps such terms in an effort to justify its choices.

The fact remains.

There is one truth and one truth only. We either accept or reject it.

And rejection has consequences.

Scripture tells us Jesus is truth, “I am the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6) and “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom”(2 Corinthians 3:17).

So do I believe truth and gain freedom, or cling to the lies I’ve known for so long? The lies that tell me I am unwanted, rejected, and without value.

To embrace the truth means I walk it out—and that walk requires changes.

No more defensive walls.

No more “safety” in relationships.

To embrace truth means I make myself vulnerable in loving God and in loving others. It means I risk rejection because I’m secure in God’s embrace. It means I stop looking to education, publishing credits, and my workout for value.

It means I hold all things loosely because my identity comes from Jesus and who He says I am.

Faith is not for the faint of heart.

But this question of truth isn’t just for me and my emotional wounds. It’s for everyone who claims the name of Christ.

Is His truth yours?

What is your truth?

Where is your compromise?

Are you like me, struggling to believe Him while carrying wounds from those who bear His name? Did someone who should have loved you best drop the ball causing you to question God’s love too?

Get in the Word this week. Soak yourself in truth. Storm Heaven with prayer. Make His truth your truth and let’s walk it out together.

Because when His truth is our truth, we will be different.


What truth do you struggle to believe?

What action do you need to take to move that truth from head to heart?

What will the difference look like?

Are you thinking God’s love will be like the faulty love you’ve received? (It’s not!)


There is one truth and one truth only. We either accept or reject it. Click To Tweet
So do I believe truth and gain freedom, or cling to the lies I’ve known for so long? Click To Tweet
To embrace the truth means I walk it out—and that walk requires changes. Click To Tweet
To embrace truth means I make myself vulnerable in loving God and in loving others. Click To Tweet
I can risk human rejection because I’m secure in God’s embrace. Click To Tweet
Is His truth yours? Click To Tweet

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