Continuing the Conversation: What is the Church’s Response to #MeToo?

Continuing the Conversation: What is the Church's Response to #MeToo?

This month, we’ve focused on current events (including, but not limited to #MeToo) and how church and culture find themselves on the same page as we stand against abuse. As we find ourselves aligned with culture, how can we as individual believers encourage our local churches to take the next step? To follow up on conversations we’ve begun?

Here are a few thoughts:

  • The local church needs to engage the community, acknowledge our common ground, and offer resources to all parties. A community outreach event? A sermon series? A fundraiser/charity event for a women’s shelter?
  • The local church needs to engage the individual who steps forward. Does the church have a safe place for the abused to take refuge temporarily? Legal aid? Counseling and freedom ministries? Are we as church members ready to invest time and energy to minister to the hurting?
  • We must exhibit a humble spirit of “there but for the grace of God go I.” Sin doesn’t discriminate. We’re all infected.
  • A study of the David’s sin with Bathsheba both in small groups and from the pulpit could be impactful. This sin marked a turning point in David’s life and ministry and should put the fear of God into every one of us. David’s legacy, his influence, and his family never recovered from the effects of his sin. His story holds a needed warning to all from the pages of Scripture. (2 Samuel 11-21)

Church, we have an opportunity to bridge the gap.

We have the answer to the problem of abuse—for both victim and abuser. Are we adding our voice to the public conversation? Click To Tweet

Please share your ideas or any steps your church has taken to address these current events in a local context.

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